Friday, August 12, 2011

I should be ...

I SHOULD be, preferably, sleeping comfortably in my super-comfy bed, but I'd take "packing", "cleaning", or "working on my paper" as acceptable answers too. Instead, I'm sitting here staring at my "to do" list for tomorrow, wishing I had run more this week, and rehashing every dang little detail of today (Thursday ... I guess I should qualify since it IS already 1:30am on Friday).

"We" moved my brother and his friend into their new townhouse today. I say "we" because kid brother still can't lift anything and his roommate decided to show up HOURS after we were expecting him. I could write for another 20 minutes just on the details, but let's just call it a long, emotionally and physically exhausting day and leave it there.

I'm headed up to YMCA Storer Camps in Michigan this weekend. As an alumni, I was asked to drive one of the short buses up to camp for the Freshman Camp program at UToledo. My brother is a counselor this year and is well enough to attend this camp (we kept him home for the 1st weekend). It kind of makes me proud that MY mentees are this groups's coordinators and THEIR mentees are the counselors. It makes me feel old. There is the possibility of one other alumni who may be up there (other than the branch program director, Jill), and he was one of MY counselors, so I'll have to can the "old" talk until we gat back to Toledo Sunday. Or maybe not. JL and I are known for teasing each other. He's like a big brother. lol.

Maybe I'll take my trail running shoes and get in a couple miles before breakfast Saturday and/or Sunday. We shall see. I sleep pretty hard when I'm "out in the woods" ... and yet I always seem to make it up to the dining hall for breakfast before everyone else :)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

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